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I remember few years back 2021 I watch a Korean movie called “Hakacton” people assume most times it's always love Korean movies do show but this was a movie centered on tech people who resides in Korean who are startups founder, a story about three young men who were broke without capital and a lady who is a good woman who stayed with her grandma to take care of her but a tech enthusiast and how they were selected to join the hackaton event 

I prayed that as I watch that movie I will do exactly the same things g they did 

I was selected amount the thousands of people and we made it to top 2000 in the industry 

It's a great opportunity for @digitalbimpemarketing to pitch her business to Brands and as well network and collaborate with other tech founders and startup 

Thank you @alat_ng @wemabank for the privilege 

Appreciate and value you 💯👥

I came all the way from another states to witness and be a participant to pitch my business this is the day one and day two is loading

Copyright ©️ Digital Bimpe



 Digital Bimpe Pitch Hackaholics Top 2000 In The Tech Industry Powered By @alat_ng @wemabank 

Day One Storytelling 

As I walk into the hall I reflected on the journey of a media lady who left her 9 to 5 during Covid where staffs where ask to resign and she decided to use that opportunity to kick start her passion in tech building her digital marketing agency and make it full time not part time in 2021 March and she named it “Digital Bimpe”. - Past Reflection 

Let’s get back to the Present 2023 June 5th , I met another talented tech startup founder Ebenezer and we were walking towards the hall and we got into the hall and we decided to take a breath fresh air that was how I met another Tech Founder a Muslim Salaut and we sat down smiling and getting to know our track 

A student of the great institution we did our events came to interview the two of us and ask us how he can aspire to join the tech industry and our stories 

You already know the story because it’s in the first paragraph 🏃‍♀️

We advise him and tell him to go with his gut in tech space and know where he can flow. 

Back to the pitch 

I became confident to be among the top 2000 in tech industry knowing fully well you got to this point through hard-work and meeting other great Tech Founders 

Worth a great experience it was a privilege , ride on with me to day two 

Copyright ©️ Digital Bimpe


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